What would Grandma do?
It wasn’t too long ago that humans would repair instead of replace, reuse instead of discard and create instead of consume. Which is why our founder and head creative, Juz Savage, brings her work back to one simple question — what would Grandma do?
Because just like Grandma, The Slow Stitch produces intentional, handmade and reusable everyday products.
Products that serve a purpose and ignite a smile.
And just like Grandma would have, we create everything in small batches on the Mornington Peninsula, while sourcing remnant or natural fabrics designed by Aussie artists.
Hear from our founder, Juz Savage.
“Once an excessive consumer, I started sewing in 2017 when I couldn’t find sustainable, plus-sized options that made my heart happy. It was in this pursuit I found a new appreciation for the complexity of sewing and the time needed to create quality products — which quickly becomes lost in our world of fast fashion.”
“With that, I began creating fun, joyful and bright alternatives to single-use products. At first, I was creating for myself. Then for friends. And now for you — the mindful human on a low waste journey.”
What we stand for
We want our customers to ask “do I really need this?” before they make a purchase. We value a slow creative process, sourcing fabric from remnant materials or Aussie artists, then hand-stitching on the Mornington Peninsula.
Transparency over perfection. We acknowledge our impact, reject greenwashing, steer clear of misinformation and always acknowledge the artists and makers that contribute to our work.
There’s a serious issue beneath The Slow Stitch (read: the plastic problem and climate crisis). But we find the joy amongst it all — always adding fun to your low waste journey and having a laugh along the way.
We create our everyday reusables in small batches and use long-lasting materials and finishes. Before we bring a product to market, we first make sure they fill a need (rather than contribute to the spiral of mindless consumption).